Eksplosjonssikker magnetisk starter

Eksplosjonssikker magnetisk starter
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Model: BQC53
Spesialiserer seg på industriell belysning forskning og utvikling, produksjon og salg av de nasjonale høyteknologiske bedrifter
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Rated voltage: AC 220/380V
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main circuit rated current:9A-95A
Explosion-proof magnetic starter IP Code: IP65
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Certification:Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
Den eksplosjonssikre boksen er et tilpasset produkt, og detaljerte tegninger eller parametere må leveres.

Explosion-proof magnetic starter Applicable places
(Applicable to the environment with temperature group T1~T6;
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Installation method
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
✧Med overbelastnings- og kortslutningsbeskyttelsesfunksjoner kan produkter med lekkasjebeskyttelsesfunksjon produseres i henhold til brukerens krav;
Den kan brukes til strømfordeling eller på-av belysningskrets eller strømkrets, og kan også brukes til belysning, strømfordeling eller on-off blandet bruk;
Eksplosjonssikker boks Hovedtekniske parametere
Utøvende standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220 / 380V
Maincircuit nominell strøm
Antall grener
grenkrets nominell strøm
G1 / 2 '~ G3'
Middels 6mm ~ Medium 55mm
Nederst inn og bunn ut eller bunn inn og ut (normalt nederst inn og bunn ut, vennligst spesifiser andre retninger)
hengende, loddrett
Eksplosjonssikker boks Bestillingsmelding
1. Når du bestiller, vennligst oppgi detaljerte tegninger og parametere.
2. Selskapet støtter OEM-behandling, vennligst kontakt kontoadministratoren for spesifikke krav
(Applicable to the environment with temperature group T1~T6;
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Installation method
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
(Applicable to the environment with temperature group T1~T6;
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Installation method
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Installation method
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Installation method
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Installation method
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Stålrør eller kabelføring.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Executive standard
GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
AC 220/380V
Maincircuit rated current
Installation method
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. When ordering, please provide detailed drawings and parameters.
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
modell BQC53
Utøvende standard GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Eksplosjonssikkert merke Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
nominell spenning. AC 220 / 380V
Maincircuit nominell strøm 9A,12,18A.25A.32A.40A.50A.65A.80A.95A.
Beskyttelsesklasse IP65
Antikorrosjon klasse WF2
Installasjonsmetode hanging

Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. Når du bestiller, vennligst oppgi detaljerte tegninger og parametere.
2. Selskapet støtter OEM-behandling, vennligst kontakt kontoadministratoren for spesifikke krav

Gratis plan

Hva skjer
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Kontakt Kingjimemachine Sales

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